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Puzzles on Yabba!
Puzzles on Yabba in Imbil Qld was started by John Auricht, who moved to Imbil at the start of 2016.
John loves to put puzzles together and decided to share the amazing puzzles with the wider community. He began this project in the middle of 2016, renovating underneath the house. John spent many days and nights getting it ready. When he wasn't renovating he was putting puzzles together.
A Little about the Puzzles
Planning, construction and assembling of the Puzzles and exhibits has taken more than two years to build up to world standard.
The third largest puzzle with 33,600 pieces is on display, taking over 299 hours to complete after first sorting into colours/sets for four hours.
He currently has the second largest children’s Disney characters puzzle consisting of 10 panels with 40,320 pieces under construction, ‘Memorable Disney Moments’. This puzzle measures to 6.8m long x 1.92m high, that’s huge!
The Next World’s largest puzzle, which has 48,000 pieces. This traveller’s puzzle takes you around every continent in the world and when done measures 7.68m long x 2.04m high. The puzzle is delivered in 24 numbered bags of 2000 pieces each: that way you can decide to assemble the different sections one by one... or mix them and take on the entire puzzle at once! That is amazing and so hard to comprehend when you have not seen them before.